Do you ever find yourself saying things like “I really should start exercising more” or “I want to write every day but I can’t seem to find the time”? Many of us want to begin a new positive habit but don’t really know where to start. Here are three strategies that can help you start today to create a new positive behavior.
Get Specific
If you want to “exercise more,” the best way to actually start is to decide exactly what “more” means for you. Or what does “write every day” actually mean, in measurable terms? Take a few minutes to actually decide:
- how often and when (which days and at what time?)
- for how long or how much (30 minutes, 10 laps in the pool, 700 words, etc)
Track Your Behavior
One of the best ways to reinforce a new habit is to keep track of how you’re doing with it. You can do this in lots of different ways:
- put a sticker, checkmark, or note on your calendar to mark your success
- share your achievements with your friends on Twitter, Facebook, or a blog
- use a habit tracking program for your computer or smartphone
Get Support
One of the best ways to start something new is to enlist the support of a friend, colleague, or coach who can help you:
- set specific and realistic targets
- keep you accountable
- celebrate your success!